• Winnie's Postpartum Unfiltered

    Winnie's Postpartum Unfiltered

    I'm much better at embracing my body after my 2nd baby. Just letting go of a lot of expectations and trying to enjoy the smaller things and not forcing myself to do anything just to conform to society.

  • Amber's Postpartum Unfiltered

    Amber's Postpartum Unfiltered

    The worst thing about the postpartum days for me was the wondering when I’d ever get “Amber” back. The best part was finally accepting that “Amber” is everything she always was, but now she’s also a mother - which is the hardest/greatest/most terrifying adventure she’s been on yet..
  • Alice's postpartum Unfiltered

    Alice's postpartum Unfiltered

    I’d never heard of low supply until I went through it myself. It's crazy to think about now because as I’ve opened up about it, I’ve heard more stories of mamas in similar situations. It seems it is a really common problem that is hushed away.
  • Kimberly's Postpartum Unfiltered

    Kimberly's Postpartum Unfiltered

    “I wish that I knew that Postpartum would be equally happy and sad and along with this would come tremendous amounts of Mum Guilt...
  • Charlie's Postpartum unfiltered

    Charlie's Postpartum unfiltered

    It took me a few days to notice the cause of the unease inside me when I would lay Ocean down in her little cot beside our bed to sleep...
  • Madame Milk Machine - Bee's Postpartum Unfiltered

    Madame Milk Machine - Bee's Postpartum Unfiltered

    My favourite way of describing birth for the first time is this: it’s like running a marathon where you can’t do any running beforehand, to prepare you can only read books about marathons and watch videos of other people running. And I think postpartum and motherhood in general are much the same.