We would love for you to share your postpartum unfiltered story with us!
We need your help to kickstart something revolutionary - a series we've been working on behind the scenes for a while - called postpartum unfiltered!
Our mission from inception back in 2019 has always been to unveil the raw, real, and unfiltered realities of postpartum experiences. Every time you share a vulnerable side of yourself, you help normalise it for someone else. We're inviting you to be a part of this movement by sharing a photo from your postpartum journey that's unfiltered and genuine. Alongside your photo submission, share a few words about your journey! This can either be via email with your photo or filled out below (but you will then need to email your photo please).
email: stevie@vivalavulva.co.nz
We'll curate your incredible submissions into our Postpartum Unfiltered series, where your story will help normalise postpartum recovery for countless mamas around Aotearoa and beyond. (Please only submit your story if you are happy with us using the imagery, story, and your first name across our marketing!)
Together, we can empower mamas everywhere to embrace their beautiful, unfiltered journey. Thank you for being a part of the Viva La Vulva tribe and for helping us make a difference. 💪 You’ve got this, mama! x
Photo submission ideas
Daily moments of you and/or your baby
Your postpartum belly/body (maybe a selfie) - embrace your beautiful, mama-self!
Your sleep-deprived, yet radiant face - no makeup required.
You feeding your baby (whatever way that is)
Nourishing foods you ate
What your support network looked like
Anything from your day-to-day
Your favourite go-to must-have products (AKA Viva La Vulva)
Anything raw and authentic during your recovery! What postpartum looked like for you!
story submission ideas
Something valuable you learned during your postpartum journey.
How your journey went - what was your day-to-day like
How your support network helped, nourishing foods you ate, how you rested etc
A tip or trick that made your postpartum experience smoother.
What you wish you had known before postpartum.
Your best and toughest moments – let's celebrate the victories and empathize with the challenges.
One piece of advice you'd offer to another mama stepping into the postpartum world.
What was your favorite Viva La Vulva product and how did you use it.