Let's Talk Postpartum

  • Experiencing abdominal pain during pregnancy? Your c-section scar may be a reason why…

    Experiencing abdominal pain during pregnancy? Your c-section scar may be a reason why…

    Written by Vanessa Werner from our Tribe of Experts My first baby made his entrance into the world by a C-section and since becoming pregnant again, I have been anticipating the sensitivities I may feel from my incision scar through...

  • Tits the season! 10 Easy Tips to Help You Survive the Holiday Season Newly Postpartum

    Tits the season! 10 Easy Tips to Help You Survive the Holiday Season Newly Postpartum


    Ah, the holiday season: a time for sun, family, and... the chaos of being a brand-new parent. While everyone else is planning beach outings and barbecues, you might be wondering how to simply get through each day. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with these 10 easy tips to help you cruise through the holidays postpartum like the super mama you are!

  • Postpartum Depletion - What is it & do you have it?

    Postpartum Depletion - What is it & do you have it?

    Written by Michelle McSweeney, Viva La Vulva's Tribe of Expert. The topic of postpartum depletion has a special place in my heart because for me it was one of the lowest points of my life but also one of the...

  • After giving birth, I chose to "sit the month" - Jacki's Postpartum

    After giving birth, I chose to "sit the month" - Jacki's Postpartum

      After giving birth, I chose to "sit the month" (traditionally known as zuò yuè zi in Chinese) in a way that felt right for me. Some like to call it the confinement period, though I find that term gives...

  • Connecting with your C-Section scar (and healing from a belly birth)

    Connecting with your C-Section scar (and healing from a belly birth)

    My entire pregnancy, I envisioned and planned for a home birth. To have my baby born within the familiar comforts of home was something I had so passionately prepared for.  Fast forward a two-day labour and eventual hospital transfer, I...

  • The Benefits of Heat Therapy vs. Cold Therapy for Breastfeeding Support

    The Benefits of Heat Therapy vs. Cold Therapy for Breastfeeding Support

    Breastfeeding can be an incredible bonding experience, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. At Viva La Vulva, we understand the importance of supporting mamas through their breastfeeding journey.  Our Breasties Hot/Cold Therapy Packs are designed to...