Let's Talk Postpartum

  • Your Labour Toolkit: Some Tools for a Supported Birth

    Your Labour Toolkit: Some Tools for a Supported Birth

    Preparing for labour involves gathering practical tools and creating an environment that supports your comfort and confidence. These “tools” aren’t just physical items; they also include techniques and a mindset that help you feel grounded, in control, and supported!. Here’s a few options for some tools to ad to your birthing toolkit with some relaxation, natural pain techniques, and helpful products to make your labour experience as empowering as it can be!
  • Getting Your Birth Kit Together

    Getting Your Birth Kit Together

    BIRTH KIT ESSENTIALS FOR YOUR BIRTH & POSTPARTUM!  We’ve asked mamas who’ve been there, talked to midwives, been there ourselves. Make your birth a little easier by packing your bag a bit ahead of your due date. Just in case that...

  • Prepare Your Perineum - How to do a Perineal Massage

    Prepare Your Perineum - How to do a Perineal Massage

    Hey Mama! If you’re reading this you’re most likely in your third trimester, and first of all we just want to let you know you are doing an incredible job and so is your body. Secondly, if you're ready to...