Getting Your Birth Kit Together

Getting Your Birth Kit Together


We’ve asked mamas who’ve been there, talked to midwives, been there ourselves. Make your birth a little easier by packing your bag a bit ahead of your due date. Just in case that baby decides to come early, you wanna be ready and as calm as possible mama! If it seems like these lists are asking you to take everything except the kitchen sink, choose items that will work best for you, the items you pack will vary on the type of birth you plan to have and your specific needs. If you plan to have a home birth, it still pays to pack a delivery bag and have it ready just in the off chance something changes and you end up in the hospital. And remember we want that baby to still be able to fit in the car on the way home, haha!


You can grab our downloadable checklist here


  • Your birth preferences written down

  • Your birth vision board if you have one / your birth mantras

  • A water bottle with a straw

  • Lip balm as your lips can become very dry during labour

  • A facial spray to help you feel fresh

  • Massage / Aromatherapy oils for during labour

  • Your phone charger, phone, and headphones

  • Pre-sorted birth playlist and a device to play it on, charged portable speaker in case hospital/birth unit doesn’t supply

  • Clothing for birth - Something super comfy to wear while in labour, a loose shirt, something breathable

  • A comfy blanket (the hospital only have sheets)

  • Snacks! Bliss balls or something similar, you may not be too hungry so these are quick easy bites to keep energy levels up

  • Battery powered tea light candles

  • Slippers or warm socks - your feet can get cold

  • A hair tie or clips to keep your hair out of your face

  • Heating/cooling pads, wheat bag, hot water bottle

  • A few flannels and you can ask for a small bucket for hot/cold compresses

  • Cash / coins in case you have to pay for parking - great for vending machines after as well

  • Electric diffuser/mister for birthing oils if using - even better one that has a night light, hospital lighting can be all or nothing

  • TENS machine if you are using one

  • Viva La Vulva Birth Comb

  • Coconut water - great for hydration

  • Clary Sage Roller Oil 

  • Collostum collected and labelled (no worries if you don’t have this)

  • Masks


  • Swimwear, so they can hop in the bath/shower with you. 

  • VIP list - people you’d like to contact when the baby is born to let them know

  • Snacks for during and after labour

  • Pain relief, panadol - some partners suffer from stress and tension headaches when watching their partners labour and often hospitals won't give medication to birth partners so it can be handy to have some in your bag

  • Pen

  • Magazine/Book/laptop/Netflix

  • Own pillow

  • Change of clothes for a few days after, if allowed to stay




In the very special few days after birth, you’ll want to make sure you have everything you need to feel and comfortable as possible, you will be recovering, tired and getting to know your new baby. Ideally, plan and pack enough for 4-5 days away from home. 


  • Your Viva La Vulva Postpartum Healing Spray - premixed (see pack for instructions)

  • Your Viva La Vulva peri wash bottle and The Good Witch Hazel

  • PJ’s, front opening if you can it makes it easier to breastfeed

  • Slippers/socks

  • 2-3 nursing bras/tops

  • Day clothes - Comfy loose-fitting clothes, tops that open at the front - if you’d like to change out of your PJs, totally optional

  • 6 pairs of loose-fitting cotton undies you are happy to throw away afterward 

  • Bathrobe, dressing gown

  • Silverettes for the sore nips

  • Viva La Vulva Boob Balm

  • Maternity pads, or mom nappies sometimes the facility will provide, but you may need more

  • Glasses / contacts 

  • Something to read / headphones and music device 

  • Toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, hairbrush, hair bands, makeup, liquid soap, moisturiser, hairdryer (wonderful for drying yourself completely and gently for stitches/soreness)

  • Any medications / vitamins you take

  • Nourishing snacks/ lactation help

  • Earplugs / eye mask

  • Plastic bags for dirty clothes

  • Kiwi crush - good to help with the first poop

  • Something to think about too, as your baby is getting used to your smell in the first few days it’s important to use non-scented body washes/oils/moisturisers, and avoid wearing heavy perfumes or super scented products


  • Appropriate clothes for your newborn - make sure these are warm, merino is good for warmth, cotton is breathable, good for layering. *Avoid nylon and synthetic fabrics. You will need a few changes of clothes for baby!

  • First outfit (this can get messy), first photo outfit, outfit for going home

  • 4 x long sleeve onesies

  • 2 x cardigans

  • Wooly merino jumper

  • 4 x singlets/onesies

  • 2 x socks

  • 1 x booties

  • 1 x woolen hat

  • Swaddles x 2 or 3

  • Newborn nappies

  • Natural water-based baby wipes

  • Baby balm or your VLV Boob Balm

  • A pacifier/dummy - if you wish

  • If bottle-feeding, check if you need to supply your own bottles and formula

  • A correctly fitted car seat, they won’t let you go home without this being correctly fitted

  • Baby blanket


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