Winnie's Postpartum Unfiltered

Winnie's Postpartum Unfiltered

Welcome mama to Postpartum Unfiltered, a series by you! We turned to our village of mamas to share their real unfiltered postpartum experiences — the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Together, let’s normalise what our bodies go through after birth and create a community of empowered and educated mamas. If you want to help normalise postpartum and share your story click here x

Support & Village: Who was in your corner?

With both of my babies, my family was my village, especially my mum. She would help with everything from cooking and cleaning to holding the baby when I needed a break. My husband has been really good this time too, looking after our toddler and giving me time to rest with the new baby.

I also have really supportive close friends who dropped off snacks during the first few weeks and are always checking in on me.

Self-Care: What did you do to take care of yourself during postpartum?

To be honest, not a lot of self care happening other than just making sure I eat my meals and rest whenever I can. Allowing myself time off from chores and not feeling bad about it, is my form of self care.

Physical Recovery: How did your body recover in those first few months? Were there any unexpected moments or challenges along the way?

My first pregnancy, it took me a long time to recover because of my 2nd degree tear. I found it really rough mainly because I never expected postpartum to be so painful. My peri bottle and witch hazel were my besties.

I had a huge oversupply of breastmilk which led to constant engorgement and pain. It was also when I found out that I have milk ducts in my armpits which were swollen and painful. I also experienced mastitis a few times which was not fun.

My second postpartum journey has been much better physically because I didn't tear. I was more prepared for the pain of breastfeeding so nothing caught me by surprise in the physical sense.

Mental Health: What did you do to look after your mental well-being? 

The first time around, I was a wreck. It felt like I was losing my mind. It was hard to reach out and ask for help. I hated being an inconvenience to others. But the second time around, I was much better at regulating my emotions and having more mum friends through Instagram helped a lot.

Realising that other mums go through the same emotions is really validating.

Nourishing Your Body: What foods or nutrition helped you feel good as your body healed? 

I actually did a more modern version of Chinese confinement (staying home for 1 month) and my mum made lots of nourishing food which helped with healing.

Lots of different broths, ginger in everything and plenty of protein with every meal.

The Raw & Real: What moments caught you by surprise in the fourth trimester, and how did you embrace them? We’re here for the messy, imperfect parts too.

I was surprised at how much guilt I would feel when it came to my first child after having my second one. I felt so sad that it seemed like there was a bigger distance between us. I still find it hard to navigate the delicate emotions of a toddler while caring for a newborn.

Sleep deprivation is still a very real thing which sometimes leads to this crazy mum rage. I'm trying my best to sleep as much as I can so I don't get there.

I'm much better at embracing my body after my 2nd baby. Just letting go of a lot of expectations and trying to enjoy the smaller things and not forcing myself to do anything just to conform to society.

Can’t Live Without: Were there any products, tools, or things that got you through your postpartum? 

  • VLV definitely was my bestie when I had my tearing with my first baby. It was the only way I could go to the toilet. 

  • Silver nipple cups really saved me this time around to avoid the initial nipple damage.

  • Period undies and reusable breast pads!

- Winn- Winnie Luo


🔥💗 Thank you so much, Winnie - for your honesty, and vulnerability and for sharing a piece of your postpartum journey with us. This is such a powerful step towards changing the narrative around our postpartum experiences. It's time to not only celebrate the victories but also empathise with the challenges!

If you want to help normalise postpartum and share your story click here

If you want to explore our free postpartum resources click here x


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  • Winnie's Postpartum Unfiltered

    Winnie's Postpartum Unfiltered

    I'm much better at embracing my body after my 2nd baby. Just letting go of a lot of expectations and trying to enjoy the smaller things and not forcing myself to do anything just to conform to society.

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