Kimberly's Postpartum Unfiltered
“I wish that I knew that Postpartum would be equally happy and sad and along with this would come tremendous amounts of Mum Guilt.
I struggled postpartum in many ways but the biggest of all was postpartum depression. I felt incredibly sad, I was crying most of the day, I mentally was struggling but along with that, I mostly felt guilty. Guilty that I wasn't feeling happier than ever after having my babies who I loved more than words. Guilty when I struggled breastfeeding, guilt for everything.
No one ever talks about this side of postpartum which made me feel alone and like there was something wrong with me, made me feel even more guilty for how I was feeling. Society makes it seem like sunshine and rainbows but for many of us, it is not completely like that.
I have since had friends have babies who feel so similar to me and talking about my experience has helped so much because then they know they are not alone. I would love to share this and help other mums know they are not alone too.
I have shared a picture of me with my baby stretch marks and all. My babies are now 2 and 8 months old and I want mums to know that how you are feeling will get better even though it doesn't feel like it now.”
🔥💗 Thank you so much, Kimberly - for sharing a piece of your postpartum journey with us. This is such a powerful step towards changing the narrative around our postpartum experiences. It's time to not only celebrate the victories but also empathise with the challenges!