Charlotte's Postpartum Unfiltered
"If I could go back to those early postpartum days, I wouldn't tell myself to soak it all in or enjoy every minute. I know I did my best at that.
I'd tell myself the feelings I was having were normal. That it's okay I'm grieving life before.
I'd tell myself that it's okay I don't feel like I know my new baby, that I miss my eldest, because l've known her for longer and I'll get to know this baby in time.
I'd tell myself that even though I don't have stitches this time and that I feel less tired, my body has still been through a lot and l'm allowed to take it slow.
I'd tell myself that it would be a while before I felt confident leaving the house with both my babies and that it's okay to settle in and accept that for this season of life.
I'd tell myself that I know I'm doing the best I can, and that I should stop looking at other parents and expecting their normal for myself.
I'd tell myself for every mum I see that looks like she has it all together, there's three who look at me and think exactly the same. Because we're all just seeing the snapshots of togetherness, we don't see anyones behind the scenes."
🔥💗 Thank you so much, @phd_mamanz - for these incredible photographs and for sharing a piece of your postpartum journey with us. This is such a powerful step towards changing the narrative around our postpartum experiences. It's time to not only celebrate the victories but also empathise with the challenges!
If you want to help normalise postpartum and share your story click here x