Sophie Moskowitz - Founder of Imperfect Parents, Māmā of 3

Sophie Moskowitz - Founder of Imperfect Parents, Māmā of 3

Kia ora, I'm Sophie, the founder of Imperfect Parents and Māmā to three children. With a background in psychology and ECE teaching, I was drawn to working with parents because I firmly believe that if the parents are ok, then the children will be too. After giving birth to my second child during Covid lockdown, and parenting a baby and toddler throughout every subsequent lockdown, I became acutely aware of how important community and friendship were to my own wellbeing as a parent. This led me to further study - a Diploma in Pregnancy, Childbirth and Early Parenting Education - and then to start my own business, Imperfect Parents, providing spaces for parents to come together and find their village.
In the last few years we have grown from one postnatal parent support group to multiple groups around Auckland, as well as providing our own inclusive, evidence-based antenatal courses, and nature playgroups. Our goal is to support parents right through their parenting journey, creating safe spaces where they can share their honest experiences and feel less alone. We believe there is no "one right way" to get pregnant, build a whānau, and be a parent, and are passionate about ensuring that all parents - regardless of gender identity, whānau structure, sexuality, or culture - feel welcome. 
You can find us on our website: and on Instagram and TikTok
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