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The Home Stretch: Third Trimester Checklist for Mamas

The Home Stretch: Third Trimester Checklist for Mamas

Welcome to the home stretch, mama! You’re in the third trimester, and the countdown to meeting your little one has officially begun. It's an exciting, slightly nerve-wracking time, but fear not—we've got your back (and belly, and perineum) with everything you need to breeze through those final weeks. Prepping for birth is more than just the physical, it’s a journey of emotional and personal growth. Check out our ultimate third-trimester checklist below to ensure you're all set for both the grand entrance and the beautiful aftermath.

1. Preparing the Perineum: Perineal Massage

From 36 weeks onwards, it’s time to tend to your perineum with some gentle perineal massage. Research suggests this can help minimise your risk of tearing - so you might as well give it a go! It’s also a great time to have a look around down there and get to know her - it may help after birth! Our trusty Perineal Massage Oil is here to help you with this. This little bottle of magic isn't just any massage oil—it's your ticket to a smoother vaginal delivery. Start massaging your perineum now to gently stretch and prepare for your baby’s debut. Your vulva will thank you later!

2. Practising Breathwork and Affirmations

Labour and birth can be more of a marathon than a sprint. Practising breathwork and positive affirmations can make a massive difference. Our Birth Affirmation Cards are here to give you that extra boost of positivity when you need it most. With 16 cards of empowering phrases, they’ll help you get in the perfect mindset for welcoming your baby into the world with strength and positivity. Practising your breathwork is another useful tool when you are in the throes of labour, and can significantly ease the process. By mastering deep rhythmic breathing techniques you can feel more in control of your body, and manage pain more effectively promoting relaxation and focus! This may require some training, even just a few minutes of practice a day can help build your breathing skills! 

3. Setting Up Your Labour of Love

If you go into labour naturally, you’re likely to labour at home for a bit. You’re gonna want as much oxytocin flowing as possible! Think about what relaxes you and makes you feel good - soft lighting, candles, your favourite music (make a Spotify playlist!). Setting up your home labour space can make a world of difference. Think about where you’ll feel most comfortable—maybe it’s your bedroom or a cosy corner in the living room. Stock up with pillows, a birthing ball, and your favourite calming essential oils. Keep Rollin’ Clary Sage is your ultimate birthing bestie to help keep the calm.

4. Packing Your Birth Bag

36 weeks is a pretty good time to pack your hospital or birth bag! We have created the ultimate checklist for this that you can download and print out here: 
Getting your birth kit together checklist

  • Comfortable clothing
  • Postpartum Care
  • Toiletries
  • Snacks
  • Important documents

Remember to toss in some items that make you feel at home. You can pretty much bring whatever you want! A favourite blanket, a pillow or a playlist of your favourite songs can work wonders!

5. Having the conversations

These are conversations with your partner, birth partner, support person, support crew, midwife, OB/GYN - Just making sure you're all on the same page - being direct with your needs and desires about your birth plan but also your postpartum plan. 

Having these conversations may feel tough but it's easier to do them now than when you’re deep in the trenches! 

5. Prepping for Postpartum Healing

Ok, mama, let's talk about one of the most crucial parts of your journey —postpartum healing. The first 40 days after your birth sets the tone for the next 40 years! The days and weeks after your baby’s arrival can be a whirlwind of emotions and physical recovery. That's why setting up a postpartum care station is essential. Think of it as your personal sanctuary, packed with everything you need to recuperate and thrive. We’ve created a FREE checklist for this too; click here

Start with the basics: comfortable seating, a nursing pillow, and easy access to necessities like water, snacks, and your phone. Then, include our range of healing products tailored to your recovery, whether you've had a vaginal delivery or a belly birth. Our Postpartum Healing Bath Soak soothes and supports tender areas, while our Perineal Healing Spray provides immediate relief where you need it most. Don’t forget the Peri Wash Bottle for those initial days using the toilet days, and our Breasties Hot/Cold therapy packs for support with tender breasts and helping with milk flow.

Setting up dedicated space or stations around your home means you're always prepared and can easily focus on bonding with your little one. Recovery is a journey, and with the right tools and mindset, you're already halfway there. Embrace this healing period with compassion for yourself—you’ve got this, mama!


6. Creating a Sanctuary in Your Bedroom

We often spend so much time prepping the cute pinterest nursery, and we forget where most of our healing and recovery will be happening…. Cue - Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, your safe haven, your place where you can rest and recharge. Think cosy bedding, dimmable lights, get nesting in here mama! If you can, treat yourself to some comfy clothes, pjs all day (remember to get easy breast access if breastfeeding!). Put up some photos, plants, disco balls, whatever makes you feel calm and happy!

7. Preparing Frozen Meals or a Meal Train

Nutrition is such a huge part of your healing and recovery and one of the best things you can do for your future postpartum self is to have easy, nutritious meals ready to go. Prepare some freezer-friendly meals now, or organise a meal train with friends and family. Trust us, you’ll be grateful for those easy, nourishing meals in the weeks postpartum. You can check out our expert blog with Di here, with some postpartum meal recipes and ideas!

8. Self-Care & Listening to Your Body

Self-care is paramount. From here on out, really tune into and listen to your body and give it what it needs, whether that’s rest, a walk at the beach, massage, sleep, or a pampering session. 

Take 5 with our Mama-to-be Belly Mask

Our Pregnancy Relaxing Bath Soak is perfect for those moments when you just need to unwind and soak away the stress. This soak isn’t just any soak; it’s packed with all-natural, good-for-you ingredients like Kawakawa Oil, Calendula Oil, Coconut Milk, Lavender Oil, and Colloidal Oatmeal. It’s the ultimate relaxation ritual for your stretching body.

9. Gentle Exercise and Movement in the Third Trimester

As you prepare for the arrival of your little one in your third trimester, remember that gentle movement is a fantastic way to support your postpartum recovery. Activities like breathwork, gentle yoga, meditation, walking and swimming can help you maintain strength and flexibility without overexerting yourself. Breathwork and yoga not only provide physical benefits but also promote mental clarity and relaxation, which can be incredibly grounding during this transformative time. Swimming offers low-impact exercise too.

10. Sipping on Raspberry Leaf Tea + Medjool Dates

From 36 weeks - get sippin’ mama! The Mother-Sip Raspberry Leaf Tea is a delicious brew that’s also your secret weapon for prepping your uterus for the big day. It has so many benefits for women's health in general - but specifically for pregnancy, it helps to tone your uterus, boosts your immune system and promotes some well-deserved relaxation. Plus, sipping tea is a great way to take a moment for yourself. This is also one to take with you postpartum - it supports the uterus as it contracts back in size.

11. Make Postpartum Padsicles Using Padsicle Gel

Alright, mama, here’s a game-changer for your postpartum recovery: padsicles! These soothing, icy pads are your best friends for those tender, healing days post-birth. Using our Padsicle Gel, you can easily make your own at home. Simply layer the gel thinly onto maternity pads and pop them in the freezer. Our Padsicle Gel is enriched with Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel, and Lavender Oil, designed to bring instant soothing and aiding the healing process. Trust us, these will feel like heaven and make those first few weeks a little more comfortable.

12. Seeing a Pelvic Floor Physio

Taking care of your pelvic floor is crucial after giving birth, and scheduling an appointment with a pelvic floor physiotherapist can make a world of difference. They are specialists in helping you strengthen and heal this important part of your body. Whether you've had a vaginal delivery or a belly birth, a pelvic floor physio can provide tailored exercises and advice to aid your recovery and prevent future issues. 

13. Creating a Resource List

It’s a really great idea to create a comprehensive resource list of support systems and services you might need. 

But to get an idea of what this means - it could include:

  • Lactation Consultant: For any breastfeeding challenges.
  • Postpartum Doula: To provide support and guidance in the early weeks.
  • Mental Health Professional: To help navigate any postpartum anxiety or depression.
  • Parenting Groups or Forums: To connect with other new parents for advice and support.
  • Nutritionist: For dietary guidance to support your recovery.
  • Trusted Family & Friends (your tribe): Who can step in to help with meals, chores, or simply offer a listening ear.

Having this list ready and accessible will empower you to reach out for help when you need it, you may not need it - but if you do you already have the contacts! Ensuring you’re fully supported during your postpartum journey. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help, and taking these steps means you’re taking charge of your well-being and healing process. 

You've made it to the home stretch, mama! With a little preparation and our trusty products, you’ll be ready to welcome your baby into the world with confidence, comfort, and a whole lot of excitement. Remember, you've got this. And we’re here to support you every step of the way.

For more tips, supportive community stories, and exclusive promotions, sign up to the mum club and join our growing community of empowered mamas.

You’ve got this, mama!

Love VLV x



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