Things I learned about Parenthood - Lucy Guernier
“Take the photo. Hydrate. Pass the baby, and shower. Have snacks beside your bed each night. It can feel lonely at 3am in the morning, this is a season and it too, will pass. You won't get a sleep-in for a long time. Tired is the new normal. Driving while sleep-deprived should be illegal (it probably is). Birth is hard on the body — see a women's health physio. The days are long, the months are short, before you know it your baby will be two. Many people will want to visit when the baby arrives, most you will never hear from again. Keep the good ones close. Eat the cookies. Empathy and kindness go a long way. If you like to feel productive put the baby in a front pack, a lot can get done. But also, don't feel guilty putting your feet up, you deserve it. In fact, stay horizontal for the first month (if you can). Carve out one-on-one time for your eldest/other children, it means the world to them. Go outside, feel the sun on your skin. Listen to your gut, not unsolicited advice. Sometimes paid advice mightn't feel right either, go with what feels good. It's ok to cry. It's not ok to cry all the time, ask for help, reach out — it will be waiting for you in spades. It will get easier, in its own way, but sometimes only hindsight can show you.” (Written with hindsight, but still sleep-deprived)”
Written by mama - Lucy Guernier x