Faye Edgecombe Registered Nurse - Little Loves First Aid

Faye Edgecombe Registered Nurse - Little Loves First Aid

My name is Faye, I'm a registered nurse and mum of two boys. 
I used to work for New Zealand Air Ambulance and part of that job was coordinating transfers for the sickest children up to Starship Children's Hospital into their intensive care unit. This inspired me to try and educate parents on early detection of illness & empower them to learn life saving skills such as CPR.
Little Loves is a first aid course designed for parents and caregivers- or anyone around a little one to learn not only life saving skills but also early indicators and red flags that something may be wrong with your little one to access help leading to less hospital admissions & faster recoveries!
Being a mum of two and a nurse has really opened my eyes to the amount of sickness that we as parents have to endure!! It's so hard seeing your little one sick and the anxiety that comes with knowing when it's time to get help or what the red flags are. My commitment is families leaving the course feeling empowered and educated at the end. I'm also loving the little community of mamas that are coming through on all my social pages! Everyone is so lovely and supportive of one another it's beautiful.
How to find Faye:
Instagram: @littleloves_nz
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