Postpartum Depletion - What is it & do you have it?
Written by Michelle McSweeney, Viva La Vulva's Tribe of Expert.
The topic of postpartum depletion has a special place in my heart because for me it was one of the lowest points of my life but also one of the biggest growth opportunities.
About a year after I had my daughter Eabha, my body completely broke down. I had no energy at all, I was waking even after a good sleep exhausted & dragging my limbs around for the day, even gentle walks felt like I was running a marathon. I was depressed & sad, and just when I’d think I’d be feeling a bit better my period would take me out for 2 weeks with PMS, sweating & cramps or I’d pick up every cold or flu and take a long time to recover.
After suffering for longer than I should and doctors had no advice apart from blood tests looked normal & maybe I should just go on the Pill.
I think it's important to note just because your anxiety, depression or depletion occurs after the first trimester doesn't mean it's not related to your pregnancy & birth. Postpartum depletion can affect moms up to 10 years postpartum & if untreated can lead to chronic conditions like Type II diabetes, autoimmune conditions (like your thyroid) or IBS etc.
At first I thought postpartum depletion was its own collection of symptoms & as I’ve learned more & became an expert in women's health & hormones and then teaching my clients nervous system regulation I came to realise it was just a special form of burnout (also known as adrenal fatigue or HPA axis dysregulation).
Defined by Dr. Oscar Serrallach as a group of symptoms affecting all spheres of a mother’s life after she gives birth.
Postpartum depletion is the breakdown of a mothers health caused by several long term deficiencies as a result of events such as birth, pregnancy, breastfeeding, sleep deprivation, stress of being a new parent or new life changes.
If a new mum isn’t able to recover from the demanding requirements of pregnancy birth sleep deprivation and breast-feeding these symptoms can last years and even sometimes develop into a chronic condition.
The problem is when we spot treat symptoms as they pop up and you see your doctor you may come out with the Pill to cover the period symptoms, an anti-anxiety or antidepressant med to cover the mood issue or an antacid for the gut symptoms BUT the key to recovery is realising these are all related
Postpartum depletion or anxiety & depression (and burnout) can be caused by the following:
Due to the higher demand on our body around pregnancy & postpartum. Your body needs extra fuel and nutrients to nourish both your healing, your body's nourishment and your babies. This level is much higher than before you were pregnant so extra nourishment is needed than before.
Pregnancy is a state of low grade inflammation and the trauma of childbirth & then going home with a new baby puts body & nervous system in a chronic state of stress - birth/labour, inflammation, poor digestion and low stomach acid, imbalanced hormones and nervous system upset, lack of sleep, birth trauma or sickness during pregnancy all contribute to this.
Socially everything changes whether it is your first or third baby you must adjust to this new way of life and rewire your brain. This is very stressful. It can feel isolating and overwhelming and the more support the better. If we have past trauma or conditioning that doesn't teach us to process our emotions then we either stuff them down & they cause distress and hormonal imbalance or gut issues or they come out in unwanted ways like crying for no reason or rage outbursts at your partner
How to recognise if you have postpartum depletion:
This is not a complete list & you may have different combination of symptoms
Exhausted on waking , Fatigue even though you’ve slept well
Wake up anxious & on edge even when there is nothing to actually worry about that day
Hair loss, dry skin hair and brittle nails
Pre existing medical conditions worsen
Needing coffee to get going and craving sugar & salty snacks later in the day for energy and you have intense cravings. Even though you want to eat well, you don't really feel like protein or veggies
Insomnia, restless sleep , tired but wired at night, toss and turn and have racing thoughts
You may fall asleep easily but wake about 12-2am and can't get back to sleep
Waking up with no appetite & even feel nauseous even though you’re not pregnant. You may even empty reach
Gums bleed , easy bruising , aches and pains in joints
Digestive issues like bloating , constipation or intolerances
Thyroid issues like weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, later in postpartum inability to lose weight despite efforts, low milk supply.
Acne , PMS or irregular, painful periods once they return or absent periods
Sensitive to light, startled easily, can’t handle noise and may need to wear ear plugs around the house
Irritable, on edge and keep having anger outbursts or very teary, even though afterwards you know it was out of proportion to the situation
Brain fog, poor memory and concentration, baby brain, forgetting appointments and groceries
Loss confidence and self esteem ,and little motivation for self care
Sense of isolation and lack support, overwhelmed, unable to cope, guilt, shame
If you’re a year or more postpartum & can't lose weight especially around your middle despite trying can be an indication of high cortisol or low thyroid function
Please look out for these signs and symptoms in the weeks, months or up to 10 years following giving birth as they may be an early sign of missing nutrients or a sign your body is crying out for safety and care.
One thing I want moms to understand is it doesnt need to be this way. There is a huge gap in our knowledge so we tend to put the above down to just being a mom now & never feeling like yourself again. This isn't just mom life, it's actually physiological processes going on in your body which is you start filling the gaps in your health foundations & look to find the root cause you can correct & feel like you again, except with more wisdom & understanding of your body.
My First steps if you’re experiencing the above:
Radical compassion for yourself. You are not a failure, your body is not failing you. It is warning you. It is trying to keep you safe. You are cut out for motherhood & you are a good mom, you just need to get healthy so you can show up the way you want to. You’re not a burden, you have been running on high for so long and your body is now making you slow down & pay attention so it can keep you safe.
Imagine if you were your child & they were feeling this way, what would you say to them? Write it down & say that to yourself in the mirror everyday.
Start paying attention to your symptoms. Slow down & tune in to how you’re feeling and behaving. Your body doesn't lie. Your symptoms will start small, until they are too big to ignore. The sooner you address the root cause, the quicker you’ll feel better
Look after your toddler self:
Just because we are a mom now doesn't mean we don’t have basic needs - safety/health, sleep, breathing, food, water, a need for connection & feel loved.
Do you need to rest or slow down?
Do you need more water? (add electrolytes to glass of water in morning for optimal hydration)
Are you having at least 3 meals a day ( and if you are burnt out actually eating protein or fat every 3hrs as when we skip meals your cortisol levels rise creating more stress)?
Do those meals have enough protein(25g per meal at least), healthy fats, fibre and wholefood carbohydrates?
Do you need more sleep & better quality sleep?
Do you need to ask for help or support?
Are you getting outside in sunlight & nature? If you’re burnt out you may not feel like a long walk but just sitting outside for a few minutes throughout the day can help
Basic Supplements . Are you taking a Multivitamin, Omega 3 fish oil & magnesium are the basics (Look out for post about how to choose these for optimal quality, effect & absorption as not all supplements are created equal )
Blood Tests . Although being aware and tracking your symptoms is most important, blood testing can give us even more information. See your doctor for your routine blood tests but have them analysed functionally as the ranges on your typical blood test as based on a sick population & also you may need some extra tests that aren't on a routine panel to find the imbalance
Please trust your body and what it is telling you. If you feel awful and sick but your blood results say you’re within normal ranges, don’t give up & accept it. You can reach out to me or someone who can read functional lab tests
Look out for more posts from me on nutrition, hormones, lifestyle, nervous system regulation, trauma, somatic practices & more or follow on Instagram @michellemeredithhealth for more education & tips or email mmhealthnutrition@gmail.com if you want to chat.
I work with clients through my group program Revive for women with high cortisol, burnout & postpartum depletion or 1:1 consults functional nutrition & mindset coaching. I also offer blood test analysis, practitioner grade supplements & DUTCH hormonal testing and gut testing for more in depth analysis. I have a huge emphasis on mindset & getting out of survival mode through addressing your physical, mental, emotional & energetic health.