Perineal Massage how-to guide
If you’re reading this you’re most likely in your third trimester, and first of all we just want to let you know you are doing an incredible job and so is your body. Secondly, if you're ready to give perineal massage a go but you’re not quite sure where to start, don’t worry we’ve got you mama! A great time to begin is around or after 34 weeks. (If you find out about perineal massage later in your pregnancy, it is totally fine to start anytime after 34 weeks). It’s good to try massaging your perineum 2-3 times a week (or more if you feel comfortable doing so) for about 3-4mins at a time. (If you have any medical conditions it might pay to talk to your LMC before starting perineal massage).
Download our free info leaflet to have this on hand! This also comes FREE with our Perineal Massage Oil